Behavior Modification Consultation
Service Description
During this hour session, I will help you understand how to address the undesirable behavior your dog is exhibiting. This will be done by hands-on demonstration via a variety of force-free, positive reinforcement, relationship-based methods, depending on the specific undesirable behavior. Part of what will be discussed and explained is teaching your furbaby a more rewarding acceptable alternative behavior, rather than the one that you find undesirable and unacceptable. The goal is to help your furbaby understand that the undesirable behavior he is exhibiting will no longer work to get what he wants, such as demand or attention barking, jumping up on you for attention, being "pushy" or demanding in other ways.
Cancellation Policy
All fees refunded 100% if canceled 24 hours prior to the start of the first session, minus a $50 session fee (if applicable) for the initial consultation/assessment, if already completed. If remaining session(s) cancelled after initial session, 50% of remaining fees will be refunded, i.e. 50% of $50 per session cancelled. Prior to the start of the first session, the student will be required to download, print, and sign the Release of Liability form that can be presented at the beginning of the first session: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tsmk02gzta42ph5wjy5kw/Dog-Training-Release-and-Hold-Harmless-Agreement.pdf?rlkey=1u3qw1jo5l4it38afptc06ril&dl=0
Contact Details
509-28K-9Pro (509-285-9776)
Freddie B.'s Dog Teaching, L.L.C., North Newport Highway, Elk, WA, USA